Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our God is Faithful

"O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago." Isaiah 25:1

Sorry for the delay in posting about the evidence of God's faithfulness in my life. The is a very pertinent topic for Alex and I to discuss. Think about this... what area's of your life reveal's God's faithfulness? Right now it's every corner I turn.

My prayer has been for God's provision here in Dallas. And that God would provide a church body and christian friends. As well as the next step beyond this season in my life. Our God is with us in each step (Deutoromy 31:6). Nothing can replace the awesome community I have back in Louisville, but God's also got a plan here in Dallas.

God has provided for me in Dallas:
* an apartment, with great sq. ft, awesome price, and beautiful surrounding
The Lord knows how much I love the outdoors and to walk around parks as well as architecture. Well he provided me with a place to Live in Las Colinas and the Faithful one that he is, led me to this apartment my first day in Dallas.
* an BSF (bible study fellowship) group on Monday's night
The group is lead by a sweet woman named Sandy and tomorrow night I will meet the girls in my group. But, I am excited because its a study through the life of Mose's. And I feel like God definetly has a lot he wants to teach me throught the life of Mose's.
* I met some friends
At BSF I met Marcy from Denver, Catherine from Cincy, and Andrea from Pennsylvania. It was so cool because each one of these girls knows what it's like to be the new girl and have already invited me to hang out with them. I went to church with them this morning at Grace Bible Church.

God is Faithful and this past week has reminded me of His Faithfulness. I see the Lord's faithful hand in this season of my life. And it is Good.

As I continue to settle into Dallas, I humbly walk by Faith and not by sight and allow God to lead my steps. It's easier for us to take matters in our own hands, but we must come to our knees and seek the will of God. I know that I would not of come to Dallas had the Lord not opened the door and I walked through it knowing in Faith, that God was leading me here for a season. And tonight I received the news that I was accepted into Graduate School and I know that my faithful God wanted to prepare me for that journey and to equip myself.

I am still enjoying getting to know my Cousin Courtney better and her husband Michael. It is evident that they desire to follow God's will in raising their three kids. It was music to my ears on Friday night as the 6 of us were piled in the Yukon on our way to the Parish High School Football Game. Yes, I am 23 in Dallas and going to a football game with the fam (very funny picture). The kids were singing praises to our king... beautiful to here sweet children of the faith worshipping God. Thank you God for your Faithfulness to transcend generations.

Watch this on youtube:
It's Hillsong singing Desert. Beautiful lyrics reflecting upon God's Faithfulness in the Seasons!

1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

AMEN!!! Lemme hear it!!! I couldn't've put it any other Way, my friend. I'll see you in Heaven Above. Pray for me as vice-versa, deal? Deal. God bless you.